Our vaccine policy is tailored to the fact we have multiple pets on premise at one time. Your veterinarian will usually recommend different vaccines depending on your pet’s lifestyle. Therefore, your veterinarian may not have given some vaccines we require.
Vaccine Requirements
We strive to make sure our environment is as safe as possible for all of our guests. We feel that having a well-defined vaccination policy is the very best thing we can do for our guests.
All vaccine requirements must be met prior to your first service date. We recommend uploading your pet’s vaccine information prior to your required meet & greet. You can also email them to service@petkeepersla.com. Current and up to date vaccinations are required for all services.
Bordetella (canine cough) within 12 months of boarding.
Canine Influenza Virus (CIV) within 12 months of boarding. When first given, CIV is a 2-dose vaccine given 3-4 weeks apart. Dogs must have received both doses.
Distemper/Parvo (DHPP) per your veterinarian’s protocol. Puppies must have completed their series with your veterinarian.
Leptospirosis within 12 months of boarding. When first given, Leptospirosis is a 2-dose vaccine given 3-4 weeks apart. Dogs must have received both doses. Leptospirosis is sometimes given with Distemper/Parvo and is indicated by an L in the abbreviation–DHLPP.
Rabies within 1-3 years, depending on dog’s age.
Negative (-) Giardia Fecal Test